State Institute for Culture



The State Institute for Culture – Partner of the European Film Festival "Europe - Always Young and Creative"

The State Institute for Culture – Partner of the European Film Festival "Europe - Always Young and Creative"

In the period from June 5 to 26, 2024, in Sofia, Borisova Garden Park, summer scene, the Festival of European films "Europe - Always Young and Creative" will be held. The event, organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the largest enlargement in the history of the European Union, will present the film achievements of young European directors from different EU countries, highlighting the cultural richness and creative diversity of the European Community. Entrance to the event is...

The Exhibition "Alphabet and History" is Visiting Valencia on the Occasion of the May 24 holiday

The Exhibition "Alphabet and History" is Visiting Valencia on the Occasion of the May 24 holiday

On May 24, 2024, at the "Bancaja" cultural center in the city of Valencia, the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Valencia celebrated the Day of the Bulgarian Alphabet, Education and Culture and Slavic Literature with a thematic lecture and exhibition. The event was attended by the Consul and Vice-Consul of Italy and the Consul of Morocco, representatives of academic circles, chairmen of Bulgarian associations abroad and leaders and teachers of Bulgarian Sunday schools in the...

State Institute for Culture

The INSTITUTE supports and works for the implementation of national and international cultural projects and programs. Assists Bulgarian diplomatic missions abroad to expand bilateral and multilateral relations and cooperation in the field of culture. Maintains, expands and promotes the art fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. Participates in training programs in the field of cultural diplomacy.